Grilled up lunch for the staff. Thanks to Trevor Sloan for the help! #atownproud
Honoring our retirees today! Best wishes Mrs. Stier, Mrs. Malone, and Mrs. Dehority.
I sent a Voice Call on our new system - need to work on the lag time. Please be patient - Dr. Curry
This is why we teach - building positive relationships with kids. Lots of summer excitement and some tears at the end of the last day.
A-Town #276 Says "Have a great summer!"
A-Town #276 Says "Have a great summer!"
A-Town #276 Says "Have a great summer!"
A-Town #276 Reminder: 2:10 dismissal today. Graduation is Friday at 7:00 PM. Have a great summer!
A-Town #276 Reminder: 2:10 dismissal today. Have a great summer!
A-Town #276 will be switching to a new alert system. Test of Text Function at 1:50 today. Text will be from a 989-01 number.
A-Town #276 Reminder: 2:10 dismissal today. Have a great summer!
A-Town #276 Reminder: 2:10 dismissal today. Have a great summer!
A-Town #276 Reminder: 2:10 dismissal today. Have a great summer!
Field Day at Avon
Great thought for the beginning of Summer: "I don't dream at night, I dream all day. I dream for a living." Wisdom to Inspire
Even the Register-Mail knows a good lemonade shake-up when it sees one! #hedding
Thank you for being such a good helper
More Lemonade Shake-up Stands at Hedding
More Lemonade Shake-up Stands at Hedding