Jr. Twisters Family Night was a success! Students and families learned to make quick and easy meals or desserts in sandwich makers. Thank you to all our families that came out!
about 3 hours ago, Jessica Craver
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
Jr. Twister Family Night
WQAD visited the Avon Campus on 3/24 to talk about the upcoming levy vote on April 1. Check out the interviews below: https://www.wqad.com/video/news/education/abingdon-avon-middle-school-eyes-major-remodel-with-april-1-tax-vote/526-fbdf8bce-aac2-4ca4-8809-c49c337c5f65
about 10 hours ago, Jessica Craver
Tonight's the night! Join us at the Open House at the Abingdon-Avon Middle School tonight from 5:00-7:00.
1 day ago, Jessica Craver
Open House
Congratulations to the following Top Notch Tornadoes!
1 day ago, Jessica Craver
Brooks Tatham, Cami Powell, Jameson Kreps, Adalie Kreps, Arionna Spray
Come see the completed AAMS remodel tomorrow, Monday, March 24, from 5:00-7:00.
2 days ago, Jessica Craver
AAMS Open House
Frequently Asked Questions about the 2025 Tax Levy
4 days ago, Jessica Craver
Frequently Asked Questions about the proposed tax levy.
4 days ago, Jessica Craver
Tax Levy FAQ
Tax Levy FAQ
Congratulations to the following kiddos on earning a positive phone call home! Keep up the excellent work!! We are so proud of you!!!
5 days ago, Leeanne Scherpe, Principal
Come see the completed AAMS remodel on Monday, March 24 from 5:00-7:00.
5 days ago, Jessica Craver
AAMS Open House
Thank you to all that came out to HGS to see the New Wing addition of the library and gym/storm shelter!
6 days ago, Leeanne Scherpe, Principal
Tonight is our OPEN HOUSE to see the new wing at HGS!! We are so excited to showcase the new library and Gym/Storm Shelter! See you from 4:00-6:00!
6 days ago, Leeanne Scherpe, Principal
Come join us for these amazing events!!
7 days ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Congratulations to the following Top Notch Tornadoes!
9 days ago, Jessica Craver
Dean Mudd and Quintin Boyd-Crawford
Sylar Anderson
Angelo Mangieri-Ruiz, Arianna Ballard, Marleigh Marshall, Miley Hendricks
Congratulations to Kathryn Snyder and Madelyn Lepper for receiving Honorable Mention ribbons at the Macomb Arts Center Art Show.
9 days ago, Jessica Craver
Kathryn Snyder and Madelyn Lepper
10 days ago, Leeanne Scherpe, Principal
Avon Campus staff and students enjoyed celebrating Pi day this afternoon. The student from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade that memorized the most digits of pi chose a teacher to pie in the face. The winners were Peyton Schmalshof, Cole Tracey, and Alivia Yoho-Mclaurin. Avon Campus students also pied staff members that had the most money in their containers in a fundraiser for the Briggs family.
11 days ago, Jessica Craver
Pi winners Peyton chose Mrs. Barnes, Cole chose Mrs. Combs, and Alicia chose Mrs. Lujan.
Tug of War
In first place, Mrs, McWhorter pied by Dylan Hobby and Vivian Bigger
Tug of War
Poor Mrs. Combs got pied twice!
In third place, Mr. Batson pied by Raegan Bigger
Mrs. Combs got pied again by Aubrii Combites.
Tug of Wat
In second place, Mrs. Craver pied by Dakin Mann.
Toilet paper relay
Wrestling is coming to A-Town next year!!
11 days ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Due to the severe weather predicted for Friday night, we have decided to postpone the Friday night performance of the musical. The performance schedule will now be: Saturday at 7pm, Sunday at 2pm and again Sunday at 7pm. Come join us!!
12 days ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
AAMS starts IAR testing on Monday, 3/17.
14 days ago, Jessica Craver
Hedding Grade School OPEN HOUSE News!!! Come celebrate with us on the opening of our new Gym/Community Storm Shelter and Library space!
15 days ago, Leeanne Scherpe, Principal