This week at AAMS

AAHS will be spotlighting the Class of 2023 over the next few weeks. Here is Senior Mylissa Alvarado.

AAMS seems to be having phone issues with one of our numbers. Please use the following phone number to contact the school in the future: 309-465-3851. Hopefully this will alleviate any issues you may have in reaching us. Thank you!

AAHS will be spotlighting the Class of 2023 over the next few weeks. Here is Senior Mallorie Kisler .

AAHS will be spotlighting the Class of 2023 over the next few weeks. Here is Senior Perry Serven.

AAHS will be spotlighting the Class of 2023 over the next few weeks. Here is Senior Mckay Grohmann..

Attention: Please see the attached flyer for the Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2023.

AAHS will be spotlighting the Class of 2023 over the next few weeks. Here is Senior Alyson Derry.

Attention 5th Grade Parents and Students!

2023 Father/Daughter Dance
Forms were sent home with elementary girls today or you can send your student to the office in any of the buildings to get one.

Preschool & Developmental Screenings Happening Soon - Info Below!
Parents can sign up at either location!

Congratulations to the AAHS March Students of the Month. Zach Roller, Elijah Laws, Lily Terwilliger, and Carly Powell. Students were selected by the AAHS staff for the character trait: Self-Control.

Updates regarding Avon Campus for 4/4/23
Due to a bus issue, the students who typically ride R. Featherlin's bus will be riding with T. Myers tonight, so bus drop off times may be later than expected.
The track meet scheduled for tonight has been canceled. Practice will occur at AAHS but will end at 4:30.
There will be no Tornado Time for AES after school today.
There will be no Mini-Tornado practice at AAMS tonight.

Congratulations to McKenzie Peckham and Hale Brown who were chosen as the winners of the $100 classroom donation for April and March from the Abingdon-Avon Public Schools Foundation.

Congratulations to AAHS Social Studies Teacher, Mr. Schaber, the March recipient of the classroom donation from the Abingdon-Avon Public School Foundation.

There will be no p.m. Pre-K at HGS tomorrow, (3/31/23), due to the timing for potentially dangerous weather conditions.

Due to the timing for potentially dangerous weather conditions tomorrow afternoon (3/31/23), all D276 schools will dismiss 2 hours early. AAMS at 12:55, AAHS at 1:10, and AES/HGS at 1:20.

FFA held their banquet last evening at the high school. Thank you to everyone that attended and supports our FFA Chapter and congratulations to the award winners and the new FFA officers.

Ben Rudrud visited Hedding Grade School yesterday to talk with students about being a good friend and the power of words. Staff and students enjoyed their time with Ben!

Ben Rudrud spoke to our kids about stepping up, being kind, and having empathy today! It was a fantastic presentation! Thank-you Ben! We All enjoyed it!