Tomorrow is PTA hat day! Bring in bottled water and wear a hat. The student in each class with the most unique hat will win a free pass to Spring Fling. The water will be used at Spring Fling.
Second Graders in Avon had a BLAST with Mustache Measuring today!
PreK playground getting new cement today. We can’t wait to ride our trikes on it!
A moose, train pictures, and a shark! We have been busy in Pre-k!
AES enjoying the third quarter incentive day, a dance party, cookies, and juice!
Ben Janssen second from left, spoke to the Middle School and Elementary students and encouraged them to donate to Change for Austim
Thank you to Ms. Bennet’s and Ms. Sadler’s Middle School Classes. They hid eggs for the PreK to find. It was a lot of fun!!
Grandparent/VIP Performance
Bronze Banner Winners
Pre-K, First and 5th Grades received their Bronze Banners for donating at least $100 to Pennies for Patients
Early Childhood Screenings - AES
Mrs. Dickerson, who works at the Monmouth Small Animal Hospital, came to tell the PreK about her job. She brought animal x-rays for us to look at. She also answered questions that we asked her. Thanks for sharing what you do at your job with us.
Mrs. Lozier, our Parent Educator, had the children bring Easter eggs with a surprise in them. Each child and family wrote clues for the rest of the class to guess what was inside. Mrs. Lozier will visit us once a week. She also sent book folders home.
The Pre-K enjoyed ice cream because they donated over $100 to Pennies for Patients
Leprechaun Hijinks in Mrs. Rogers kindergarten!
Mrs. Mahr’s 3rd grade marshmallow bridges. Neat project by the kids.
Marshmallow Bridges made by Mrs.Mahr’s 3rd grade.
Creative fun with Pi — 4th grade
Creative fun with Pi — 4th grade
Pi Day treats in 4th grade.
Fourth grade celebrating Pi Day with pie and other round treats!