Come cheer our 8th Grade Girls on during their Sectional Game on Wednesday at AAHS!!
The A-Town Music Boosters will be having their annual Christmas ornament fundraiser. This consists of us taking a picture of your child the night of their program and making an ornament that will be distributed to you before we go on Christmas break. We will begin photographing students before each concert in their homerooms at AAHS.
Ornaments will be ready before Christmas break and sent home with the students. These make a wonderful souvenir for your tree or as a gift to family and friends. If paying by check, please make it payable to Abingdon-Avon Music Boosters. You may return this order form with payment to the student's music teacher or bring it with you on the night of their performance.
K-1st - December 1st
2nd-3rd- December 15th
4th-5th - December 8th
Pictures will begin at 5:15pm
The Avon and Hedding Grade Schools will be having their Kindergarten and First grade music program on December 1st. The program will start at 6:00 pm in the Abingdon-Avon High school auditorium. Students should arrive at 5:45. We can not wait to share our music with you. We hope to see you all there.
What’s happening this week at A-Town!!
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
Check out the A-Town Basketball online store! Tomorrow is the last day to order!
Check out the A-Town Basketball online store. Tomorrow is the last day to order!
Reminders for this week: Early Dismissal tomorrow, No School 23rd-25th, No Tornado Time this week! See graphic below for more info!
Join us this weekend at AAHS for the MS production of Annie!
Reminder, there is no school tomorrow 11/8/22.
Parents may schedule a time for a parent/teacher conference either on November 16 or 17 between 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm through Skyward Family Access.
If you have any questions about scheduling a conference, please call Avon Campus at 465-3851 or email your child's teacher(s).
Thank you to the family of Joe Halford for the generous memorial donation to Abingdon-Avon Public Schools Foundation. Teachers throughout the district received a donation to use for classroom supplies due to his families wishes to continue his support of the district, its students, and staff.
Happy Halloween from Avon Elementary School! Thank you to all the parents who brought in goodies for our kids!
Hedding Grade School and the Avon Campus will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week from 10/24-10/28.
Don't Forget!!
There will be no Tornado Time this Wednesday due to 11:30 dismissal. Tornado Time will not be held on any early out days.
Wow! Thank you A-town community and families for donating $25,000 to our Book Blast Fundraiser! Our students PreK- 8 are receiving over 2000 books because of you generous donations!
Pictured are the grade-level winners that will receive a $100 shopping spree with Books Are Fun. Congratulations!
Emily B-PreK
Christian K- Multi grade
Korbin P- 1st grade
Addison P- 8th grade
Abby K- 7th grade
Ben R- Kindergarten and overall winner
Khloe S- 6th grade
Thank you to the AAHS Football team for welcoming our Avon Campus students to school today!
Thank you to the AAHS Volleyball team for being on campus to greet our students this morning!!