Don't forget to get your year book order forms in by the end of next week! There are extra order forms available at the AAMS office! Don't have an order form? That's ok! Just place money in an envelope with the students name on it and send it into the office!
almost 6 years ago, Katherine Boone
order forms
ATTENTION 7TH GRADE PARENTS: There will be an informational meeting regarding next year's Washington DC Trip on Thursday, March 21st at 7pm in the Middle School gym.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
REMINDER: There is NOT an AAMS Student Council meeting tomorrow, March 6. We will me next Wednesday, March 13.
almost 6 years ago, Jessica Craver
This was the most intense game of Blink I’ve ever watched! We ended the trimester with a game day to celebrate the students that got all their work turned in.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Kitch
This was the most intense game of Blink I’ve ever watched! We ended the trimester with a game day to celebrate the students that got all their work turned in.
Coding with littleBits!
almost 6 years ago, Gretchen Mangieri
Working hard on the writing process! Way to go Hedding & AES students! #thewritetools #Atownproud
almost 6 years ago, Hayley Knuth
#thewritetools #Atownproud
#thewritetools #Atownproud
#thewritetools #Atownproud
#thewritetools #Atownproud
Our ROE is sponsoring a Parent Cafe where Jr. High parents can meet and discuss the challenges of raising a Jr. High student. See the flyer below for info.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Carousel two-step equation challenge day! Rotate clockwise every 2 minutes! Gets them up and moving and keeps them on task with a table-mate!
almost 6 years ago, Jessica Lujan
Challenge day
AES first graders measuring objects with toothpicks, paper clips, and centimeter cubes!
almost 6 years ago, Jerri Lynn Malone
first graders
first graders
first grade
No track and field practice tonight for high school athletes.
almost 6 years ago, Samantha Cameron
The MS volleyball game for tonight against LaHarpe has been cancelled. At this time, it will not be rescheduled. Stay safe.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Freezing drizzle setting in over the last 20 minutes has turned many of our roads into sheets of ice. There will be no school today (2/20) in D276.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Third graders using tape diagrams to solve 2 step word problems and checking for reasonableness!
almost 6 years ago, Jerri Lynn Malone
Third grade
Third grade
Third grade
Kindergartners adding one more to the set using manipulatives!
almost 6 years ago, Jerri Lynn Malone
The MS girls volleyball game scheduled for tonight at West Central has been canceled due to concerns with weather conditions. Stay safe!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
7th Grade STEM creating rovers to navigate Mars.
almost 6 years ago, Gretchen Mangieri
7th STEM
7th STEM
Due the forecast of afternoon rapid temperature drops for this area and the potential for flash freezing on untreated roads - D276 will dismiss early today 2-7-19 at 12:30pm.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
The MS volleyball games scheduled for tonight will be played at AAMS. Lombard at 4 and Williamsfield at 6.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
There will be no school today due to icy road conditions. Information regarding evening activities will be posted later today. Stay safe.
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Due to the uncertainty of the impending ICE storm warnings - D276 will dismiss at 1:00 PM today (February 5, 2019). All after school activities are cancelled. More weather info at
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal