February Board Meeting Update: https://www.d276.net/article/190054?org=district
Over 150 cheer clinic participants are performing tonight at AAHS #atownproud
One-Step Equation Escape Room - solve the problems to get out for the weekend!
They are coding masters over here in Ms. Lindsay's math classes today! #HourOfCode #atownpride
In case you missed it - State Champion Robotics Team at AAMS🥇🤖 #atownproud
ATown 5th/6th grade volleyball - starting February 10th practices will be Monday 4-5:30 and Thursday 4-5:30.
The AES Student Council would like to thank everyone who donated to help two transitional living houses in Fulton County. Big thanks to the third grade for bringing in the most supplies!
CSC will be at AAMS Tuesday, the 4th at 8:15 to talk to our 8th graders about the Upward Bound program. This program offers eligible high school students many resources, tools, learning experiences, college visits, and direct guidance from highly trained and experienced staff. We are excited to have them visit with our students. You can contact Mrs. Winksi at AAMS if you have any questions about the program.
The Twister Bots just scored the top robot table score at STATE!! These kids are AMAZING! #firstlegoleague #atownpride #robotics
And just like that, we are off to state! The Twister Bots got an amazing send off today! U of I, here we come! #atownpride #firstlegoleague #robotics
Just a reminder, the 5 Essentials Survey is available for you to complete at the following website: https://www.5-essentials.org/illinois
We value your opinion, please take a few minutes to take the survey and help us out! More information is available in the attached letter.
Reminder: 1 Hour Delay Today - January 21st. More information on delayed starts at: https://www.d276.net/article/153906?org=district
Get the CUSD 276 App on the App Store and Google Play #atownproud
1-Hour Delay Tomorrow (1/21): In order to give our 🚌 drivers more daylight to navigate our ice covered gravel road routes - D276 will implement a one-hour delay. Everything starts one hour later and school will dismiss at normal times. More info on district website https://www.d276.net/article/153906?org=district
AES Student Council want to help the homeless and are working with South Fulton Counseling and Consulting. The donation list includes: garbage bags; cleaning supplies; toilet paper; & paper towels. As well as new or gently used towels, sheets (twin/full), & curtains. Please send by Friday, January 24th.
Reminder the AAMS Scholastic Bowl will have their first practice tomorrow at 3:30 in the Commons. Practice will end around 5:15, so Abingdon students can take the bus. Avon students must be picked up at the middle school. Please email jwidger@atown276.net with questions.
The 7th grade volleyball tournament at Elmwood today has been canceled.
The 8th grade Volleyball tournament in Lincoln has been canceled. The 7th grade tournament in Elmwood is still on. We will send info out if that changes. Be safe.
In a effort to be proactive against an unpredictable daytime winter weather advisory that includes potential for late afternoon ice that could impact road conditions for buses, young drivers and staff- D276 will dismiss today at 11:30.
Cheer Clinic Forms are available in the MS office for any 6th grader who would like to participate. Forms are due back by January 20th. Have your student stop by and pick one up if they are interested.
Volleyball practice for the 5th and 6th grade traveling team has been cancelled for tonight. Students will not be staying after school for practice.