Reminder that tomorrow is Drop-off/Pick-up day for 7th graders at AAMS. Please remember to bring your charger, your chromebook, and any library books. Please use the North door of the MS in the parking lot between buildings. The schedule for times is on the website. Please call (309)465-3851, if you need to schedule a different time. See you tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Drop-off/Pick-up day for 6th graders at AAMS. Please remember to bring your charger, your chromebook, and any library books. 6th graders please use the back door of AES that leads to the 6th grade hallway. The schedule for times is on the website. Please call (309)465-3851, if you need to schedule a different time. See you tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
I have the privilege at the end of each year to choose students to receive awards from local groups. These awards highlight those students who are leaders among their peers, dedicated to their academic success, and overall good citizens of our schools. Although I am unable to present these students with their awards at our annual assembly, I wanted to celebrate their accomplishments. Those chosen to receive awards were: DAR Award: Lauren Zucco and Andrew Foutch, Illinois Principal Association Award: Mary Ella Tucker and Nick Prescott, Howard Davis Citizenship Award: Alex Hefler and Madison Stephens. Congratulations to all our winners!!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Every year the Kiwanis Club of Abingdon hosts a High Honor Banquet to celebrate students who have reached a grade point average of 3.75 or higher. Unfortunately we were unable to have the banquet, however we wanted to acknowledge their hard work this past year. The list of those achieving High Honors is attached below. Congratulations!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
high honors
Reminder: Meal pick-up today at Noon!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Thank you for another great turnout in Avon to show our Class of 2020 so much support. Thank you to everyone. Everyone be safe.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Thank you for the great turnout in Abingdon to show support for our Class of 2020! We are off to Avon now. Thank you again Abingdon.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
We are a “GO” - Graduates may enter the HS parking lot at 1:30. Diplomas will be given out beginning at 2:00pm. Procession through the community will start shortly after.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Celebrate our Seniors this Sunday. More info at #atownproud
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Please check your email or the news section of the AAMS website for information regarding drop-off of electronics and pick-up of student belongings next week on May 20th, 21st, and 22nd.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Reminder: Meal pick-up today at noon. Now serving over 300 students.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Reminder: Meals for Th/Fri & student weekend snack packs will be distributed today from 12-1. We are now serving over 300 students.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Our first Teacher Appreciation Artwork from Angelina A!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Please help me show our teachers how much they mean to us! Chalk the Walk and write a message to one or more of your favorite teachers! Take a pic and send it to and I will post them on our webpages.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal
Meal pick-up at noon today. Main dish for M&T in single styrofoam container 🥯🍕 and chicken sandwich. Proudly serving over 285 meals a day.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Teacher Appreciation Week! May 4-8th. Take time this week to let your student's teacher(s) know that their effort, dedication to their craft, and impact on your student is appreciated. "Thank you" to the A-Town 276 teachers and support staff!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Reminder: Meals - rain or shine. Here until 1:00pm today
over 4 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Reminder: Meal pick-up today (Wed.) at noon. Walk-ups welcome. Nachos today :) Also - One time Milk distribution for the week.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Reminder: Meals for M & T distributed today at 12. Reheat Instructions: Sandwich has been cooked and cooled. Reheat to 165. May be consumed heated or cold.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Mike Curry - Supt.
Hello, 8th Grade parents and students! The TRIO Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science college readiness programs have extended our application deadline to May 15! We have also created a new, online application: Simply click on the link above, which will allow you to more easily complete and submit the application. After you submit the application, we will contact you to schedule a remote interview! As always, we are very grateful for your continued interested in their TRIO Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science programs, and we appreciate your patience as we worked to recreate our application processes. We look forward to receiving your application! Our students are among the most successful in Knox County in finding, getting into, and graduation from college. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Anderson, Principal